Is your company experiencing strong international development, and you want to standardize your trade with your local partners and suppliers? Rely on APED's expertise and its global network. Thanks to a wide range of high added value services, you consolidate your establishments abroad and you invest in new markets while reducing risks.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
APED finances your international projects. Contribute to the development of exports, a source of growth for companies. Associated with Bpifrance, the Public Investment Bank, APED allows you to develop your international activity thanks to export financing. Export and internationalization are key steps for your business.

A successful internationalization strategy requires multiple and varied expertise. We bring you a set of concrete solutions and we put you in touch with local experts (consultants, lawyers, accountants, etc.) selected for their skills and the quality of their services.
APED brings you long-term collaboration to better support you in all stages of your internationalization. Our team of experts is made up of multicultural profiles to better understand your needs and provide you with their in-depth knowledge of foreign markets.
With you in the field, APED offers you adapted solutions to help you invest abroad and make all your development projects a reality:
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Market studies to validate your investment choices abroad,
Research of industrial and commercial partners,
Support to set up your local establishments.
Whether you are already an exporter / importer or not, our experts facilitate your development in the field.
They also allow you to better control your costs: By optimizing the time devoted to procedures and travel, and by including most of the support missions they offer you in Coface's international prospecting assistance programs.
APED is a veritable encyclopedia on international markets. A question ? A need for information? Your international development advisor provides you with precise and up-to-date answers.
You benefit from a set of completely free services: calculation of your customs duties and taxes, simulation of your import / export costs, list of shipping documents required according to your products and their country of destination, alerts specific, according to your needs, newsletter dedicated to international trade.
We can offer you a complete and innovative range of everyday banking products and services. To be better supported in your efforts, to set up, create or manage a business abroad, APED offers you a unique and connected portfolio of advantages.
With APED, you have the opportunity to discover all the steps and procedures to successfully establish an international presence: investments, legal forms of companies, the legal framework, working conditions, human resources management, etc.
And because managing international development is often a source of difficulties, APED gives you all the keys to succeed in your projects. Choosing the right target country, evaluating the market potential, knowing how to prospect and negotiate: for all these questions, and many others.

The prospecting of foreign markets implies specific investments which, even in the event of success, are only amortized gradually, according to the orders recorded.
The principle of prospecting insurance is to cover part of the prospecting costs incurred, which could not be amortized by a sufficient volume of sales in the guaranteed area. Coface prospecting insurance has two advantages: Financial support, insurance against loss suffered in the event of commercial failure.
This short-term export financing formula does not require (except in special cases) the presentation of copies of assigned invoices, nor customs documents or shipping documents to the European Union. It is based on the economic reality of your business: namely, your export activity.
Your prospecting actions may generate a need for cash. The cash advance for your prospecting expenses, which you benefit from through APED, can be guaranteed by COFACE. Your investments in the development of export activities, or of setting up abroad can be financed by: The Bpifrance Export Development Loan, in partnership with APED.
The latter covers: Intangible expenditure, tangible investments with low pledge value (computer equipment, for example), increase in working capital requirements (WCR), generated by the development project, amounts between 30,000 euros and 3 million euros.
At APED we offer you the investment in SPAC (Special Purpose Acquisition Company) which can be translated as "special purpose acquisition company". APED now allows you to PSPCs: an alternative form of investment compared to private equity and traditional IPOs. This alternative form is based on 3 points:
1. PSPCs allow the retail investor to access private equity investments that were previously only available to institutional clients, such as hedge funds and investment banks.
2. Additionally, PSPCs are more transparent than private equity investments, as evidenced by SEC reporting obligations such as filing financial statements and shareholder voting rights regarding any merger or acquisition.
3. Finally, PSPCs offer a clearly defined risk to investors by holding the IPO proceeds in trust and repaying that amount if an acquisition is not made within 18-24 months.
What you must remember :
PSPCs are faster than IPOs.
PSPCs are cheaper than IPOs.
PSPCs are less risky than IPOs.